
Lampp by Apachefriends or Ubuntu?

I had problems with my Lampp server, the mysql usage went up to 100%, then after a time to 200%. Decided to reinstall the apache and mysql servers.

Spent a lot of time with the Apachefriends Xampp package, and also the regular Ubuntu one.
Ubuntu install - installs a lot of packages:
1st method: Tasksel install lamp-server
2nd method (better): apt-get install lamp-server^
Good: apt-get remove lamp-server^
Bad: tasksel remove lamp-server (This removed the half Gnome on my local system when tried, so can't recommend...)
The advantage of the regular Ubuntu server is that it is highly extendable. Can install the Munin, Phpmyadmin, etc with plain apt-get, and it's upgraded by the operating system. The disadvantage is that, it used different config files than the Apachefriend Lampp, for example at virtualhosts. Also the config files come with very bad settings, and the versions are older.

The Apachefriends' xampp is very good, but I had lot of problems upgrading my old files. Finally found the only way is to remove completely the old, then install with the command line:
sudo tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.1.tar.gz -C /opt
After it copy back the databases (except the existing ones - cdcol, mysql, etc). Then copy back the htdocs directory. Then check the config files, do not overwrite them, just change the settings. When I overwrote the configs, it did not work. The new version of my.cnf needed this line at [mysqld], because dropped people soon:
max_connections = 512

The advantage of the Apachfriends package, that it has all things in a single directory, easy to back up or move to any other Linux system. The upgrade is not so easy if you have a larger system.

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